Practice Information

Our opening hours

All consultations are by appointment only.  Please contact your surgery if you require an appointment. For more information about booking appointments please see the 'Book your next appointment' link on the right hand side.  

Our opening hours are:

Monthly Staff Training Afternoon

Please note that the practice is closed on the last Thursday each month for staff training (excluding August and December).

When the practice is closed

When the practice is closed, and you have a serious medical emergency, please dial 999.

If you have a medical issue that is not an emergency, you can continue to dial our practice number when the practice is closed and you will be connected to the out of hours GP service.  Please do not ask to see a doctor unless you genuinely cannot wait until the practice re-opens.

Please visit our 'Get the treatment right' website page for more information on other medical services you can contact when the practice is closed.

Building accessibility

All of our practices are accessible to all patients.  We have: