Repeat Prescriptions

 Please note that repeat prescription requests should be processed by the surgery within two days.

Prescriptions by telephone

Telephone requests will only be taken from patients who are housebound; The number to call is the main surgery line: 0151 548 6969

Repeat prescriptions in person

Repeat prescriptions can be requested in writing. You will have a pre-printed tear-off slip attached to your prescription; please use this. Please mark your request slip clearly with a tick against the items you require. Alternatively, you can use one of the prescriptions request slips that we have in the surgery. These just require your name, date of birth and the names of the medications you require. 

Ordering repeat prescriptions online

You can now order your repeat prescriptions online using NHS app.

We also accept prescription requests via email. Just send your name, date of birth and the medications you require to the practice email address which is

Prescription reviews

Most repeat medications require regular review.  This is to ensure that the prescribed medication continues to be appropriate, necessary, effective and safe. Your repeat slip will be highlighted if you need a review before a particular item can be re-issued. Please make an appointment at the surgery before you run out of medication. Our nurses can conduct asthma, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, weight management & contraceptive reviews.

Short notice repeat requests are issued at the discretion of the doctor. You may be issued with a small supply of medication until the next available appointment.